2000/2000 minted
Behind “Island Mist”

My journey in generative art began with a fervent desire to replicate the textures of traditional media using code. From my initial project, “Raked St...

Digital Weavings of the Transient Cosmos: A Contemplative Critique

In the preface to a meditative exploration of "EXTENSION," by Morbeck, I would humbly guide the observer through a digital odyssey that honors the eph...

Creation of Tactile

In "Tactile," I embarked on a captivating exploration of generative art, delving into the creation of surfaces and forms that evoke a sense of tangibl...

Curator's Notes on Tactile

In Orr's collection "Tactile," the audience is presented with an expansive series of images that reside at the intersection of the digital and the tac...

The Making of "BitLocked": An Exploration of Shape Packing

BitLocked is a captivating exploration into the complex interplay between geometry and artistry. This generative art piece marries mathematical preci...

Random Combo—A Web3 Pioneer Abstracting Chinese Aesthetics Through Mathematical Algorithms

Random Combo, a computational physics PhD and generative artist based in Singapore, ventured into the blockchain domain in 2021. He began exploring th...

The 1st Generative Inscription platform in the Bitcoin ecosystem

Leading the future of blockchain Generative Assets